Our Family

Bethlehem Community Church is part of God’s world-wide family. We have people who serve and lead groups in our family. We have groups with a particular focus and we also value and encourage those opportunitites when we can worship, serve and hang out together as a family.

Our Minister

Rev. Mike Kirkby-Sing was inducted as the minister of Bethlehem Community Church in August 2023.

Mike is married to Christine and they have three children.

Mike’s passion is to preach God’s Word to see people grow as followers of Jesus, and to see the church become all that God intends it to be.

Our Teams

  • The Leadership Team

    The Leadership Team is made up of (left to right) our minister, Mike Kirkby-Sing, and Elders, Joel Meikle and Ron Wanhill.

  • Childrens Ministry

    Our children’s ministry team is led by Coralee Buckland. “We pass on hope, by helping kids know that they are loved by God and that he has a plan and a purpose for them”.

  • Intermediate and Youth

    Karen and Joel Meikle lead our Intermediate and Youth programme.

  • Property and Finance

    The P&F team are responsible for the financial side of BCC and the upkeep of the property.

  • Pastoral Care Team

    Pauline Ackerley leads the Pastoral Care Team who aim to care for all members of the BCC family.

  • Music Team

    The Music Team is led by Ruth Scott. Our music expresses praise and worship using contemporary Christian songs from a wide variety of artists and from our own members.

Children and Youth Ministry

  • Children & Youth Ministry

    As we are a family based church, children and youth are a fundamental part of the life and ministry of Bethlehem Community Church. The Children and Youth Ministry exists to complement and encourage families in their primary role of nurturing their children in the Christian faith as they grow in knowing, loving and serving God.

  • Preschool & Primary

    The preschool and primary school aged children are involved in the early part of the Sunday service before going to their own programme. Their programme aims to teach biblical truths, godly values and life skills at an age-appropriate level in an engaging and relevant way.

    There is a separate creche programme for young children and babies.

  • Intermediate & Youth

    The Intermediate / Youth meet in the lounge after the early part of the service but stay in the service on the first Sunday of the month when communion is celebrated. Their programme aims to teach biblical truths, godly values and life skills which meet the needs of young people in our society.

 The Hub

Bethlehem Community Church is a family-based church.  One of the ways we celebrate being a family is at the HUB on Friday evenings. The evening begins with a meal at 6:15pm and ends after ice-cream around 8:30pm. It is a time to get together for a meal, social times and activities for young and old. 

It’s a great family occasion where people can hang out together and enjoy time together.


 Home and Prayer Groups

There are a number of home and prayer groups running at different times throughout the week and in different parts of Tauranga.

Contact the church office for details.